Performance; Música Pop; Drag Queen; RuPaul's Drag Race; Mainstream.Abstract
Taking Performance Studies (TAYLOR, 2013; SCHECHNER, 2009; BUTLER, 1990) as the theoretical horizon, we want to understand how the negotiations between a camp aesthetic linked to the performance of drag queens and a market standardization logic inherent to the mainstream media products take shape in the contemporary digital culture. In this sense, we seek to analyze which strategies are triggered by the competition reality show Rupaul’s Drag Race in the formatting of a hegemonic drag culture in the contemporary, and how these strategies are related to those adopted by Pabllo Vittar to achieve recognition and success among large consumer audiences. We aim to reflect, therefore, on the different tensions that gravitate around the artist's body, audiovisual and artistic representation in his music videos, whose aesthetic configurations are linked to the notion of "drag superstar" developed by RuPaul's Drag Race.
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