Narratives of English Language Teachers in initial training

the use of didactic sequence and DICT in the Residência Pedagógica Program in Cruzeiro do Sul - AC


  • José Mauro Souza Uchôa Universidade Federal do Acre, Centro de Educação e Letras, Acre-Brasil
  • Andreia Moraes de Castro Universidade Federal do Acre, Acre-Brasil



Teachers Training; Pedagogical Residency Program; Narratives; TDICs.


The object of study in this article is English Language Teachers in initial training of Degree in English Literature at Federal University of Acre in the Cruzeiro do Sul that have been part Residência Pedagógica  Program (RP) geared for the initial training teachers. During the experience, the participants were instructed to produce didactic sequences for the mandatory pedagogical intervention phase of the RP. As a procedure for recording the experiences, the residents produced narratives using the text editing tool Google Docs. The narratives were written and shared so that everyone could get to know the experiences lived by the residents of the different field schools. The theoretical-methodological approach that supports this experience is Narrative Research based on Clandinin and Connelly (2000), Sahagoff (2015), Mendes and Cunha (2010) and Uchôa (2017). By analyzing the narratives, this article presents: 1) the conception of language and teaching that guided the experience in RP, discussing two notions of didactic sequence: a) that of Zabala (1998) regarding teacher training within the humanistic perspective involving the observation of procedural, attitudinal and factual contents and b) Socio-interactionism based on what Dolz, Noverraz, Schneuwly (2004) proposed about of the SDs, seeking to work on the development of language skills, having the discourse genres as teaching-learning instruments and 2) reflecting on the use of DICTs (Digital Information and Communication Technologies) as a development of digital literacy, necessary for the initial training of the EFL teacher in contemporary times, seeking to understand the use of DICTs as a pedagogical resource adopted by program participants. Through the analysis of the narratives, it is concluded that teacher training programs must present strategies that promote teaching in an interactive way, enabling strategies for the development of digital literacy for teachers in initial training. It is also concluded that the notion of SD is not theoretically oriented and that programs such as RP need to promote more active and meaningful didactic initiatives.

Author Biographies

José Mauro Souza Uchôa, Universidade Federal do Acre, Centro de Educação e Letras, Acre-Brasil

Professor da área de Linguística Aplicada. Doutor em Estudos da Linguagem pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.

Andreia Moraes de Castro, Universidade Federal do Acre, Acre-Brasil

Graduada em Letras/Inglês e suas respectivas Literaturas pela Universidade Federal do Acre - Campus Floresta, Cruzeiro do Sul - Acre.


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How to Cite

Uchôa, J. M. S., & Castro, A. M. de. (2022). Narratives of English Language Teachers in initial training: the use of didactic sequence and DICT in the Residência Pedagógica Program in Cruzeiro do Sul - AC. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 10(1).