



Leitura. Procedimentos didático-pedagógicos. Aprendizagem. Ensino.


ABSTRACT: The domain of reading directly reflects on the quality of learning, so it’s necessary to reflect on the practice of this in the classroom as a perspective of measuring the quality of teaching-learning at school. In this context, this study sought to reflect, through a bibliographic approach, on the importance of didactic-pedagogical procedures for teaching reading in schools, in the light of authors such as Maria Helena Martins, Ângela Kleimam, Luiz Carlos Cagliari, João Wanderley Geraldi. Given this, for the development of the students' taste and habit for reading, playful and pleasurable moments should be elucidated so that school spaces are used - as physical dependencies (library / reading room) - that encourage reading in playful moments and pleasurable, since this is an alternative that can overcome the difficulties shown in the discussions of the research to act in a perspective of the formation of citizens and, therefore, in the evolution of society.

Keywords: Reading. Didactic-pedagogical procedures. Learning. Teaching


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How to Cite

Silva, F. M. da. (2020). DIDACTIC-PEDAGOGICAL PROCEDURES IN LEARNING READING IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Muiraquitã: Revista De Letras E Humanidades, 8(2). https://doi.org/10.29327/210932.8.2-14