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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

1. Requirements for manuscript submission

Manuscripts submitted to JAHS must comply with its editorial policy and instructions to authors.

The manuscript must be exclusively destined to the journal, and should not be submitted to another journal, with the exception of abstracts or reports published in scientific meetings.

Authors are responsible for declaring in the body of the text, in a separate section, the competing interest, the contribution of each author, financial, technical, institutional or personal support, related to the study and the acknowledgments.

In manuscripts resulting from original research involving human beings, the National Health Council Resolution No. 466 of 2012, for research in health sciences, or Resolution No 510 of 2016, for human and social sciences. The text must state that the project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee and specify the number and date of the registration protocol, in addition to sending a copy of its approval by the Committee (as a supplementary document). Clinical research articles must inform the identification number in one of the Clinical Trials records, validated by the criteria established by the World Health Organization and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.

For original articles that performed experiments on animals, they must indicate the compliance with Law nº 11,794 of 2008, which establishes the procedures for the scientific use of animals and inform in the text that the project was approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals, containing the number and the date of the registration protocol, in addition to sending a copy of its approval by the Commission (as a supplementary document).

2. Editorial flow for evaluation

The manuscript submitted to the JAHS undergoes an analysis process with three distinct stages.

After being submitted by the Journal's Electronic System (Submission), a submission number will be assigned, which will identify the manuscript in the system.

In the first step, the manuscript is evaluated by the editorial team, and the following items will be observed: scope, timeliness, relevance, ethical issues and method used to carry out the research, in addition to the criteria currently used in the preliminary selection of articles: 1) publication priorities of the magazine defined in meetings of the editorial board; 2) originality; 3) adequacy of methods. At this stage, the manuscript may be rejected or sent to the Section Editor, depending on the area of ​​knowledge (up to 30 days).

In the second stage, a technical evaluator is appointed who will carry out the analysis of the manuscript, according to the rules (presentation and documentation), and will submit the manuscript to anti-plagiarism software to evaluate the occurrence of text similarity. At the end of this stage, the manuscript can be forwarded to the third stage or returned to the authors for readjustment to the rules (up to 30 days).

In the third stage, with the manuscript adequate to the standards, it will be forwarded to two ad hoc consultants for analysis of the text together with the evaluation instrument itself (up to 40 days). If there is disagreement between the consultants' opinions, the manuscript will be sent to a third consultant (up to an additional 20 days).

The Section Editor will manage the entire flow between consultants and the corresponding author. During the entire evaluation peer review process the identification of consultants and authors is omitted (double blind).

After reviewing the reviewers and the final version, the manuscript may be Accepted or Rejected, according to the deliberation of the Editorial Board, and the result will be communicated to the corresponding author by email informed in the submission process.

During the review process and before submitting the manuscript for publication, the corresponding author may withdraw the manuscript, upon formal request signed by all authors.

Manuscripts with emerging themes may have their evaluation process accelerated by the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal and the Editorial Board.

It is up to the Editorial Board to compose the volumes for publication. Communications, for clarification of doubts, may be made by e-mail.

3. General rules for manuscript submission

The items necessary for the presentation of the study are described in detail, according to the category of the manuscript.

3.1. Original Articles

Observational studies, experimental or quasi-experimental studies, program evaluation, cost-effectiveness analyses, decision analysis and studies on performance evaluation of diagnostic tests for population screening, theoretical essays (criticism and formulation of relevant theoretical knowledge) and dedicated articles the presentation and discussion of methodological aspects and techniques used in health research and measurement instruments in population surveys.

Original articles must contain up to 5,000 words (excluding abstracts, tables/charts, figures and references). Maximum limit of 5 tables/charts and 5 figures. Maximum number of references: 50. Abstracts in structured format with up to 400 words, in a single paragraph.

The text of the original research manuscript must follow the structure of the text containing: Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. Manuscripts based on qualitative research can have other formats, admitting Results and Discussion in the same section and Final Considerations or Conclusions.

3.2. Review articles

Critical, comprehensive and systematized evaluative studies, original and recent research results. They must present the review method, the detailed search process and the criteria used for the selection and classification of primary studies, including a scientific object of interest, based on logical arguments, through a critical-scientific methodology of the works used, generating a synthesis conclusive. Methods include: meta-analysis, metasynthesis, scoping review, mapping review, overview, systematic review, among others. The manuscript must contain up to 6,000 words (excluding abstracts, tables, figures and references). Maximum number of tables or figures: 5. Maximum number of references: 200. Abstracts in structured format with up to 400 words in a single paragraph.

3.3. Letters to the Editor

They include letters aimed at discussing articles recently published by the journal, reporting original research, case reports or relevant scientific findings. Limited to 500 words and 5 references.

3.4. Brief communications

Original manuscripts, estimates or pilot studies, shorter, with preliminary data or approximations containing a maximum of 1,500 words, abstracts, tables/charts, figures and references), 2 figures or tables and 10 references. Summaries in single format with up to 200 words in paragraph.

For the quality and transparency of health research, texts must follow guidelines from the Equator Network guides (, depending on the type of network study

Studies must be presented so that any interested investigator can produce their results. In addition, we encourage the use of the following suggestions, with the suggested article category: In addition to the use of the following suggestions

CONSORT selection list and flowchart for randomized controlled trials that allows for results. Available at:
STARD checklist and flowchart for diagnostic accuracy studies. Available at:
MOOSE checklist and flowchart for meta-analyses and systematic review of observational studies. Available at:
Checklist and Flowchart - PRISMA for reviews and meta-analyses. Portuguese version available at:
STROBE selection list for observational studies in epidemiology (cohort, case control, cross-sectional). Available at:; Separate checklist for each of the study types; Portuguese version published by Malta et al. (2010), available at:
RATS checklist for qualitative studies. Available at:; and;
COREQ Checklist - Consolidated Criteria Guidelines for Qualitative Research Reporting. Available at:

4. Format and Style

The file containing the text of the manuscript must be submitted in a single file, omitting the identification and affiliation of the authors.

FORMAT: “.doc”;

SHEET: Size A4;

MARGINS: 2.5 cm on all four margins;

SOURCE: Arial; source 12 (including tables/charts and references). For direct quotation with more than 3 lines, use font 10.

ITALIC: Only for words or expressions in a language other than the one in which the manuscript was written or in transliteration of testimonials.

FOOTNOTES: From the second page onwards, use the following symbols and in this sequence: ♦, †,§, ♦♦, ††, §§, ♦♦♦, †††, etc.

SPACING: 1.5 throughout the manuscript. Simple for title, abstract, descriptors, direct quotation with more than three lines, in testimony transliteration and bibliographic references.

KEYWORDS/INDICATORS: must contain 3 to 6 keywords/indicators.

ABSTRACT: must be written according to the manuscript category.

ABSTRACT: must be written in English or Spanish following the same rules as the abstract in Portuguese.

Template for download: Article Template  

5. Supplementary issues

As part of the submission process, in addition to the file containing the manuscript, authors are required to attach the requested supplementary documentation.

Failure to include supplementary documentation at the time of submission of the manuscript will result in non-evaluation of the manuscript.

5.1. ID 

Title (Arial 16 font)

It should be concise and reflect a main idea of ​​the manuscript, with a maximum of 20 words the geographical location of the research.


IMPORTANT: If the manuscript originates from a thesis, dissertation, monograph or course conclusion work, it must contain an asterisk (*) at the end of the title and, respectively, in a footnote.

Authorship (Arial 10 font)

As a rule, limited to ten authors.

Full names presented, immediately below the title, aligned to the right, separated by commas, sequential Arabic numerals and superscripts.

Single spacing between lines;

Authors information (highest academic degree, name of institution, city, state and country)*, justified being just below the names, with font 10 simple spacing between the lines.

Article Category (source 12)

The author owes which category the article falls into: original article, review, letter to the editor or brief communication.

Corresponding Author (source 10)

Corresponding author is the one or which JAHS is aware of the communications regarding the analysis of the manuscript. It is responsible for representing the other authors regarding changes in the text, manuscript flow and formal oil of the final version of the manuscript for publication.

Inform name, linked institution, address (street, number, zip code, city, state, country), e-mail and telephone.

The name of the corresponding author will appear as such at the time of publication of the manuscript. It is your responsibility to notify the JAHS of any address changes and/or email issues in order to avoid delays in the manuscript review process.

5.2. Copy of the opinion of the Research Ethics Committee

For research involving human beings, send the approval report, with the agreement number, published by the Animal Research Ethics Committee and/or Use Ethics Committee with the legislation of the country of origin of the manuscript. The copy must be attached in full, containing the “Approval” report.

5.3. Consent of manuscript submission

Consent submission Form

It must be completed and signed by all authors and attached as a supplementary document. This document includes the statement of responsibility, copyright transfer, conflict of interest and contribution of each author to the manuscript. Authors' contribution criteria were established according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (, which are:

– Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the study; or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of study data;

– Elaboration and critical review of the intellectual content of the study;

– Approval of the final version of the study to be published;

– Responsible for all aspects of the study, ensuring questions of accuracy or integrity of any part of the study.

6. Rules for citation and references

O JAHS utiliza o sistema de referências Vancouver, recomendado pelo International Committee of Medical Journal Editors e pela National Library of Medicine ( Os manuscritos submetidos ao JAHS devem realizar as citações durante o texto e organizar suas referências neste sistema.

Artigo Original

Política padrão descrita na seção 3.1, acesse.

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