Report of teaching initiation experience: conducting a remote class on kinematics review


  • Yan Silva e Silva Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Natalia da Silva Souza Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Clelinda Costa da Silva Professora de Física da Escola Fundamental e Médio Dr. João Batista Aguiar, Rio Branco, Acre
  • Bianca Martins Santos Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Esperanza Lucila Hernandez Angulo Universidade Federal do Acre



The paper presents an experience report on the conduction of a remote class via Google Meet, performed by academics of the Degree in Physics at the Federal University of Acre (UFAC), participants of the Institutional Program for Initiation Scholarship in Physics Teaching (PIBID/Physics). The experience of preparing and teaching the class for students in the 3rd grade of high school at a state school in Rio Branco/AC was guided by the supervisor, the head teacher of the class. The class used slides, through which the introductory contents of kinematics were worked as a way of revising the theme for the National High School Examination (ENEM), namely, concepts of: rest, movement, trajectory, reference, average velocity and Rectilinear Movement Uniform (MRU). In the end, the pibidians resolved some issues with the students. The results show the initial expectations of undergraduates before entering the program and the testimony of pibidians after giving their first class to a high school class, in the remote class format due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The evaluation of the teacher in charge of the class is also presented, demonstrating satisfaction and approval for conducting the class.





Experience Reports