Method for the meaningful teaching of optics by analogy to historical-critical pedagogy


  • Alcides Antônio Marmentini Escola Estadual Senador Petrônio Portella/SEDUC-AM
  • Ricardo de Sousa Costa Universidade Federal de Rondônia



Learning from experienced situations can provide physics teaching with a more meaningful way of learning, as it will establish a link with something they are already familiar with, facilitating the construction of knowledge and thus effecting the teaching-learning process. In the context of this study, it aimed to adapt the five steps of historical-critical pedagogy, by Demerval Saviani, and the meaningful learning of David Ausubel, to the teaching of geometric optics, refraction and thin lenses, in a multidisciplinary way, mainly with content of chemistry on the Tyndal effect, taking into account the concept of meaningful learning relating the contents with practical and low-cost experiments. Proposing the use of elements that are part of students' daily lives. For such action, a methodology was used that takes into account the steps of the historical-critical pedagogy, which begins with the Initial Social Practice, which is the student's prior knowledge, the Problematization, which is to raise questions and hypotheses to explain reality and of the phenomena, through simple experiments, after the Instrumentalization is done, through studies in books, on the theoretical part of physics, the last part of the class is the Catharsis, which is defined with the exposure of the content through drawings and resolution of exercises and the Final Social Practice, which is to awaken in the student a new vision for physical phenomena involving geometric optics for future situations.




