Gender discussions as a socio-scientific controversy in chemistry teaching


  • Jéssica Carolina Paschoal de Macedo Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Nataly Carvalho Lopes Universidade Federal de São Carlos



This research aimed to analyze the formative potential of the elaborated didactic sequence, aiming to identify the implications arising from the insertion of gender discussions as a socio-scientific issue in the teaching of chemistry. Thus, the present work was developed with students from the 1st grade of high school at a school of the public education in the city of Araras-SP, within the scope of the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation Scholarships (IPSIS)/CNPq. This is participatory research, since the interaction between the researchers, the students and the school administration took place during all stages of the research. Finally, the analyzes of the data obtained point to the potentialities and limitations resulting from the insertion of gender themes in the teaching of chemistry, so that we seek to contribute to the area of ​​Brazilian studies on the insertion of these themes in teaching, as well as to promote a space for emancipatory and critical training of students from the state public school.




