Teaching-learning, PIBID, Problem issuesAbstract
This article aimed to analyze teaching approaches correlating theory with practice from the resolution of problems in the discipline of Chemistry with students of the 3rd year of high school in a public school in the municipality of Humaitá, in the state of Amazonas. The method for collecting the data was through a semi-structured questionnaire for the finalists. 25 students participated in the research. The analysis of the data was qualitative, seeking to recognize elements and meanings relevant to the understanding of the object of study, with the assumption of reflecting on the methodology in the teaching of Chemistry. The results of the research showed that the methodology applied in problem solving, was something positive, being evidenced from the classes taught and the reports with the active participation of the students, very satisfactory, with group discussions to resolve certain situations imposed on the class, making it possible to build differentiated didactic strategies to solve them, thus, building knowledge. It also provided a broader discussion of Chemistry itself, with the students' daily lives, bringing a true view of what the subject is really about, considering that it was no longer seen as an abstract question, providing a correlation of the presence of this, with the environment in which they are inserted, emphasizing that through the project it was possible to retrieve information from content seen in previous years, which will probably make all the difference in their performance in future tests, in addition to responsibility, commitment to the future.
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