Curriculum construction. Political formation of teachers. Critical research-action. FormaCE.Abstract
This article deals with interfaces in the collective construction of a Curriculum Proposal and political formation of teachers in the field of public policy outlined by a Municipal Education Secretariat located in a county in Bahia. Part of a critical research-action (KINCHELOE, 1997) with an excerpt from the Formation in School Curriculum (FormaCE), conducted in 2014/2015, and its current unfolding. When questioning the implications of this process for the political formation of teachers, it aims to analyze the underlying relationships between curriculum construction and the political formation of the teacher. Based on Sacristán (2000), Freire (1986, 1996) and Contreras (2012), there was an increase in the understanding of the teacher's place in public policy, combining knowledge with a social sense and the collective curriculum construction is a space fruitful for the growth of the political formation of teachers in the emancipatory and autonomous sense of being in the profession.
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