Teacher Education. STSE. Interdisciplinarity.Abstract
The present work is a state of the knowledge on research envolving the use of STSE approach in initial and continuing education of teachers in Brazil. Its general goal is to verify which and how many productions on CAPES' Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations relate to the theme in focus. The work is a descriptive quantitative research, that, according to Richardson (2012) is characterized by the utilization of quantification of both the data and information collection modalities and in their treatment. The study is of descriptive nature, because it seeks not only to present the quantity of theses and dissertations found in CAPES' Catalogue, but also to describe the selected works from the results of the search, their methodological aspeccts and goals. The first descriptor showed no results; the second and third showed the same results, filtering exactly the same 183 works. Of these 183, the researchers selected 143 works in the Sucupira platform that provided abstracts and keywords. From the reading of the 143 abstracts, they identified a total of 20 theses and dissertations concerning the STSE approach in the initial and continuing education of teachers. Among those 20 works, the team highlighted 3 researches (1 dissertation, 2 theses) that, in an interdisciplinary perspective of the STSE approach, involve different college courses. The researchers noticed that the interest for the theme is somewhat recent and, despite the significative advancement and increase in researches relative to the production of theses and dissertations in the period between 2007 and 2018, the theme of education of teachers with STSE approach still represents a low number of productions. New research in the field would significantly contribute to the advancement of the discussions related to the interdisciplinarity and STSE approach in the education of teachers.
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