riot grrrl, intersectional feminism, whitenessAbstract
This article analyses racial tensions inside the Riot Grrrrl based on the criticisms of non-white girls involved in the initial music scenes in the 1990’s gathered in the writings of Mimi Thi Nguyen (2012) and Janice Radway (2016). Building a parallel between intersectional and decolonial feminism (HOOKS, 2019; LORDE, 2019; LUGONES, 2019a, 2019b; GONZALEZ, 2019), the concept of whiteness (SOVIK, 2009) and Riot Grrrl, the text introduces the postulations of Schilt (2005) about white privilege in fanzines to point out the limitations of the feminist action incorporated by the girls involved. The research introduces the idea of intersectional and decolonial Riot Grrrl using as examples a content analysis (BARDIN, 1977) of four contemporary initiatives: London-based Decolonial Fest; the track “Sangue Negro” inside Minha Resistência É Minha Revolução (2019) EP by feminist punk band from Minas Gerais Bertha Lutz; two editions of Preta & Riot fanzine written and edited by vocalist Bah Lutz (2016, 2017); and the online debate between artists Thaís Catão and Bah Lutz (2020) named “Anti-racism is attitude” aired at the feminist music venue from Rio de Janeiro “Motim” profile on Instagram.
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