
  • Lívia Maria Dantas Pereira Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Morena Dias
  • Mário Rolim


politics, aesthetics, pop music, LGBTQ parade, Linn da Quebrada


In this work we take the cancellation of Linn da Quebrada's show at João Pessoa’s 2019 LGBTQ+ Parade as a starting point to think about the various forms of politics performed by LGBTQ+ artists that have appeared in Brazilian culture and music in the last years, and in particularly the forms of resistance that emerge in Linn da Quebrada's performances. Linn's exclusion from the schedule of an event that brings together LGBTQ + bodies in public spaces to claim equal rights before society points to a policing carried out by the parade (linked to the policing inside the LGBTQ+ community), understanding “police” in Rancière's conception (2018), that is, as a supposedly equal distribution of the bodies that can or cannot appear, speak or have their word recognized as a speech in a certain space and time. At first, we identified reasons that help to understand the policing and precariousness (BUTLER, 2018) that affect Linn, whether restricted to the funk or the LGBTQ+ community, or broadly involving Brazilian society as a whole, as well as the disruption she promotes in these spaces. Afterwards, we analyzed specific moments of Linn's performances to better understand the political potential of her aesthetics, and her corporeality as a “bixa travesty”. Finally, we analyze these moments based on Rancière's (2015) ideas about the relationship between ethics, aesthetics and politics, tensioning and pointing out contradictions both in Rancière's theory and Linn's own aesthetics.


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How to Cite

Dantas Pereira, L. M., Melo Dias, M., & A. O. M. Rolim, M. (2020). “SE ME CALAM É PORQUE MINHA VOZ ASSUSTA”: POLÍTICA E PERFORMANCE MUSICAL A PARTIR DO CANCELAMENTO DE LINN DA QUEBRADA NA PARADA LGBTQ+ DE JOÃO PESSOA (PB): . TROPOS: COMUNICAÇÃO, SOCIEDADE E CULTURA (ISSN: 2358-212X), 9(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/tropos/article/view/3977



Dossiê - Potências políticas do pop: gênero e ativismo na cultura pop