
  • Daniel Magalhães de Andrade Lima Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


voice qualities, pop culture, body studies, technology, listening


Most of our experiences with voices come from the connection between voices and digital technical devices, especially in what circumscribe pop products. This article, therefore, aims at investigating specifically vocals that, inserted in the digital context, are produced in such a way as to be readily understood as artificial. Such a theoretical movement, it is comprehended, can develop tools that widely consider the materiality of media voices. Initially, then, a theoretical review is carried out addressing concepts that link voices and bodies in the media. Then, dialogues are developed between theoretical perspectives and media products, intending to unravel concepts and analytical operators about voice. Finally, tools are proposed to assist the analysis of sounds in pop context and it is pointed out that robotic voices tend to broaden comprehensions of what a body can be, putting at risk normative perspectives.

Author Biography

Daniel Magalhães de Andrade Lima, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Doutorando no PPGCOM da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


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How to Cite

Magalhães de Andrade Lima, D. (2020). VOZES DOS FINS DOS CORPOS: MATERIALIDADES DIGITAIS VOCAIS E ESCUTAS QUEER. TROPOS: COMUNICAÇÃO, SOCIEDADE E CULTURA (ISSN: 2358-212X), 9(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/tropos/article/view/3809



Dossiê - Potências políticas do pop: gênero e ativismo na cultura pop