Semiotics of culture; Semiosphere; Identities; ResistanceAbstract
The objective of this text is to bring reflections about understandings about the body, gender and sexuality through the personal experience of two subjects, a man and a woman. The idea is to confront and bring together authors' notions about the concepts highlighted and the individual view of the subjects based on how these themes are reflected and problematized in their daily lives, in the relationships they establish with family, the group of friends, the job market. We take as our epistemic-methodological support the semiotics of culture, based on the notion of the semiosphere proposed by Lotman (1996), to understand how texts that are produced by subjects who are located in the "periphery", in the sense that they are narratives that counteract hegemonic ones, can cause ruptures in the texts that are at the center of the semiosphere, responsible for manufacturing and instituting cultural norms and standards. We believe that the subjects produce "political identities" of resistance, raising flags, confronting logics and favoring, from new texts that are put into circulation and confronted in the semiosphere, the construction of paths for an epistemic and cultural disobedience.
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