Tradução intersemiótica, Capa ilustrativa, Gramática do Design Visual, IntencionalidadeAbstract
The Systemic-Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004) understands the language from a social bias to build realities through functions. Based on this theory, the Grammar of Visual Design (KRESS; van LEEWEN, 2006) explores the visual field through representational, interactional and compositional meanings, respectively, the representation of reality, the relations between represented elements and reader, and the way the text is organized. According to these assumptions, this study, in a dialogue with the theory of intersemiotic translation (IEDEMA, 2003), analyzes two covers of the book "Orphans of the Eldorado" by Milton Hatoum (2008), and its translation by John Gledson, "Orphans of Eldorado" (2009), with the aim of verifying how realities are constructed and how visual elements indicate the ideological position and intentionality of translators, besides questioning whether the translation of the illustrative cover favors or distances the reader of the original work. Regarding the theoretical-methodological aspects, this study has a qualitative and exploratory nature, and develops the analysis based on representational and interactional meanings. The results show that the original text seeks to portray the real and to establish a close relationship with the reader, whereas the translated version privileges a mythological and exotic view of the Amazon on an impersonal distance. Thus, it is necessary to reflect critically on how the verbal text is redeemed in the visual text.
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