Cinema; School; Minuto Lumière.Abstract
This article, circumscribed in the field of Cinema-Education, focuses on a film experience at the school developed during the PhD internship abroad, with the object of reflection being the exercise Minuto Lumière conducted in a public school institution in the metropolitan region of Barcelona. Starting from the premise that the school is a powerful space for training, invention and encounters of students with cinema, apart from the decoding and interpretation of cinematographic signs, we chose Minute Lumière as an important ally in the educational process. Through it, we put the world itself in study. The Minute has the ability to arouse students' interest in something of the world, indicating multiple possibilities of expanding the ways of seeing, living and paying attention to the world. From the one recorded in the field diary – an instrument used within the scope of a qualitative research –, the process narrated in this work intends to share reflections on the introduction of cinema in school, as well as revealing the power of cinematographic exercises for the teaching and learning process. As an expressive result, we can highlight that the relationship of closeness established between teachers and students, mediated by sound and visual expressions, greatly contributes to the expansion of artistic, cultural and educational practices - both of teachers and students.
Keywords: Cinema; School; Minuto Lumière.
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