Semiótica discursiva; Junção; União; Memória; Black Mirror.Abstract
In this paper, we analyze the episode “The Entire History of You”, of the British TV series Black Mirror, based on discursive semiotics. The plot tells of a dystopian reality in which the characters have a small device implanted behind their ears, called Grain, which stores everything that they see and hear. Based on the analysis that uses the concepts of junction, regimes of interaction and meaning, visibility regimes, and union it is concluded that, from the narrative point of view, the Grain is a modal object that overmodalizes the subjects by wanting-to-see and being-able-to-see. Through the modal object “Grain”, they can get access to the object of value “memory” of themselves and of others. Likewise, their interactions are mediated by this object of value. In addition, the device also assumes vigilance features and functions as a catalyst for the passion of jealousy manifested by the protagonist, Liam. And in this case, it is the universe of passion that fulfills the function of intelligible and sensitive articulation, junction and union, the two logics that underline the four interactional regimes proposed by E. Landowski.
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