Humor, terça nobre, fibra do risível, comicidadeAbstract
From 1988 on, TV Globo established a humorous form in the TV programming called “Terça Nobre”. The humorous series presents a way to a continuous laughter, that is, elements of script and staging that are repeated over time in order to provoke laughter. Although this fiber is repeated, it has been constantly improving since its inception. This essay intends to make a brief overview of the historical course of the laughable fiber in some series that were exhibited on Tuesday. It offers a study, of a humorous content that uses a journalistic pattern to make your joke. As a theoretical basis, usable or laughable, by Bergson (1983 [1940]). It concludes that one of the elements of the perennial laughable fiber in the third prime is the fact that the sketch-jokes are presented as if they were real journalistic facts, but approached with some deviation in content. It is a caricatured approach to possibly real facts, presented in the form of news, but with exaggerated proportions and misconduct.
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