Teoria da prática; Teoria da prática dos sujeitos; Teoria da prática e jornalismo; Prática jornalística; Mineração de dados.Abstract
This article presents the quanti-qualitative results of a data mining research accomplished alongside digital databases that store Brazilian scientific productions in the last 20 years (from 2000 to 2019). Inspired by the theoretical-methodological experience of Ryfe (2017), who mapped the main publications about the theory of journalistic practice in English language, in the indexation service of scientific citations Web of Science, the research had as objective to investigate the incidence of academic publications about the theory of journalistic practice, searching and problematizing the presence of publications that treated the journalistic practices with emphasis in the listening of production subjects and the development of theoretical perspectives of power and resistance of Michel de Foucault. The methodological approach of data mining attended the stages of exploration, organization, systematization, quantification and data analysis, making possible to view a panorama of the Brazilian scientific production available in the researched database. The results point that the theory of journalistic practice has been built and discussed in the Brazilian scientific scenario parting from publications that little listen the subjects of journalistic production (9% of the works), or that neither problematize the notions of power and resistance of these subjects through the current structures and relations of power (6% of the works). The results also present the main theoretical authors used by the mined publications and the variations of number of publications per year.
KEY WORDS: Theory of the practice; Theory of the practice of subjects; Theory of the practice and journalism; Journalistic practice; Data mining.
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