Jornalismo literário; Cobertura de guerra; Relações de gênero; Análise de conteúdo; A private war.Abstract
This research aims to contribute to the understanding of war coverage in the context of Literary Journalism and gender relations, using as object the movie A private war. After conducting a state of the art on war coverage, we addressed the issue of the corresponding woman. We then use the content analysis method (BARDIN, 2011) to study five categories: a) war coverages; b) relationship with men; c) relationship with women; d) female condition; and e) personal wars. The results suggest that journalist Marie Colvin is represented as a brave, professional, instinctive and transgressive woman. In her relationships there are loving and professional partnerships, friendships, mentoring and competitiveness. Elements that exalt her feminine identity and her personal conflicts are displayed.
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