About the Journal

  1. Guidelines for authors:

    The texts should be in a single column, with margins of 2.5 cm on Top and bottom, and 3 cm; Left / Right.

    TITLE - In capital letters, bold, in Times New Roman, size 12 and centered.

    Abstract - It should be clear and explain the objectives sought, seeking to justify their importance. It should integrate the main procedures adopted and the most expressive results, containing up to 250 words. In Times New Roman, size 12, justified. The abstract should contain three to five separate keywords.

    Tropos will accept article submissions in portuguese, spanish, english, french and italian.

    Articles in non portuguese language should present abstract and title translated into Portuguese version.

    In the body of the work you should follow the following guidelines:

    Maximum of 25 and minimum of 12 pages. Times New Roman font, size 12, with justified margins, 1.5 spacing between lines.

    IMAGES - Images and photos should preferably be converted to jpg format before being inserted into Word text. All images must contain subtitles and enumeration (eg, figure 1, figure 2 etc).

    FOOTNOTES - In Times New Roman, body 10 and single spacing between the lines.

    QUOTES - Citations up to three lines can be included in quotation marks in the body of the text and must be accompanied by the author's description. Ex: (FOUCAULT, 1979, p.95). If there is more than one author, the names must be separated by a semicolon. Citations with more than three lines should be written with letter size 10, single line spacing, justified, with initial indentation of 4 cm.