Interdisciplinarity in english language teaching
A systematic literature review
Interdisciplinarity. English Language Teaching. Systematic Literature Review.Abstract
Interdisciplinarity is a concept that has been discussed for a long time, although little has been published about its relationship with English language teaching in Brazilian basic education. Based on this principle, the aim of this work was to qualitatively analyze what Brazilian research has shown about the relationship between interdisciplinarity and English language teaching. Then, a systematic review of the literature was carried out. Among the main results, it was found that the articles on this topic are mostly from public institutions in only two of the country's five regions, with participants who were mainly high school students or teachers. In terms of the positive results of interdisciplinary practices, these actions have promoted more contextualized, meaningful, and critical learning, and collaboration between teachers from different areas has made students more engaged. As for the challenges, they were related to the lack of preparation and the insecurity of teachers about interdisciplinarity.
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