Women move, black women fight ‘since aways’
Women. Black. Social movements. ExperiencesAbstract
This article was produced from research linked to the Postgraduate Program -Doctorate-: Linguagens e Identidades of the Federal University of Acre. The objective aims to offer a small clipping of the narratives of four black women from the State of Acre, highlighting fragments of their life trajectories and memories. Childhood, youth and involvement of each one with the social and union movements of the State of Acre are highlighted. Methodologically, it consists of listening and analyzing their narratives, starting from the individual to the collective perception. As references of thinkers and theorists: Foucault, Certeau, Bell Hoocks, W. Benjamin, A. Portelli, among others. Some questions about social issues, gender and race experiences are presented along the way, as they make up the universe of analysis. It is proposed to see them, through the narratives, in order to know a little more about what happens in the universe of black women in social movements in the State of Acre.
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