Recycle: a board game applied in science classes for environmental education in elementary school
This article describes the development and application of an educational board game, aiming at discussing the importance of recycling materials frequently discarded. The application of the game in classrooms from a public school showed that 80 students from 7th and 8th years of Elementary School came to better understand the importance of recycling for preserving the environment, as well as the role that it represents for society. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were carried out, based on semi-structured interviews and observations recorded in a field diary. Results indicated that the game broadened students' interest for contents related to the theme, by inducing pleasant discussions and helping in order to improve academic interpersonal relationships in the classroom, thus contributing for the citizenship education of the students. This playful activity promoted an increase of, at least, 50% in pedagogical contents discussed in classroom, beyond providing learning experiences different from those traditionally experienced by students during classes, thereby stimulating their social conscience.