Assessment tickets: holistic assessment method for use in classes using robotics
This article is the result of a Scientific Initiation research entitled: Multidisciplinary Assessment Methods using Robotics, which aims to discuss the development of assessment models that can be used by teachers from public elementary and high schools in contexts in which robotic prototypes are used in the classroom. Thus, the evaluation method emphasized in the present research was conceived by the author from the technique of Tickets at Entrance and Exit, combined with active methodologies PBL - Problem Based Learning or in Portuguese, Learning Based on Problems, the Inverted Classroom, the Maker Movement, in addition to and based on the evaluative parameters present in the National Curricular Common Base - BNCC and in the Curriculum in Motion of the DF. For the construction of the tickets, learning tools such as Jamboard, Genially, Canva, among others, were used. In view of this, lesson plans were built and implemented in training workshops using robotics carried out remotely with teachers from the public school system in the Federal District.