Performance of crisp lettuce cultivars under organic system in Rio Branco - Acre


  • Davi Fontenele Albuquerque Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Regina Lucia Felix Ferreira Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Luís Gustavo de Souza e Souza Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Sebastião Elviro de Araújo Neto Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Maria Izabel de Freitas Lins Rezende Universidade Federal do Acre
  • Geazí Penha Pinto Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Acre
  • Adonias de Albuquerque Pinheiro Universidade Federal do Acre



Lettuce is the most sold leafy vegetable in Brazil, being produced close to consumer centers and has nutritional properties.It is an essential ingredient in salads, sandwiches and accompaniment to various dishes. Its cultivation is done, with a short cycle and generates income for producers, mainly for family farmers. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of crisp lettuce cultivars under organic system in Rio Branco - Acre. The experiment was conducted at the Seridó Ecological Station in Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil, rural area, from May to June 2021. Cultivars of the curly group were used in a randomized block design with eleven treatments: Jade, Mônica, Vera, Veneranda, Cinderela, Crocantela, Isadora, Leticia, Valentina, Moana and Thais, and three replications, totaling 33 experimental plots. Treatments were collected 54 days after sowing. The variables analyzed were: Total Fresh Mass, Commercial Fresh Mass, Air Dry Mass, Total Productivity and Commercial. Data were subjected to normality of errors and homogeneity of variance, analysis of variance by F test and compared by Scott-Knott test (p<0.05). The cultivars Jade, Vera and Mônica presented the best agronomic performance, not differing from each other and being recommended for cultivation in an organic system in Rio Branco - Acre.




