The use of technologies as tools for non-presential classes in the disciplines of physics and chemistry


  • Vanici Pereira Martins Barreto Professora de Física da Rede Estadual de Roraima
  • Ednelza Simião de Macedo Silva Professora de Química da Rede Estadual de Roraima
  • Denise Andrade do Nascimento Universidade Federal de Roraima
  • Francisco Macione Martins Barreto Universidade Federal de Roraima



The present work aims to discuss how technologies were used by Physics and Chemistry teachers of a public school in Boa Vista – RR as a way to attract students to classes during the pandemic period caused by covid -19. The main objective was to enable the student, even with all the difficulties faced, an equal and quality learning. There were many challenges, such as the lack of internet, cell phones and computers, in addition to the lack of motivation on the part of students, due to being away from school for so long. In addition to using some technological resources such as google Classroom, google meet, WhatsApp and Instagram, the Physics and Chemistry Show was held virtually, so that students could feel closer to the school. Gradually they started participating and sharing the learning with each other. With the effective participation of students, one can see the enthusiasm and interaction they had, contributing to an improvement in their learning. Patience and persistence are the pillars that constitute a quality and equitable education.





Experience Reports