RPG as a CTS approach: contextualizing the “History of oxygen discovery” in teacher formation


  • Leandro Trindade Pinto Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Nathália Gomes Tostes Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Cássia Daniele Santana de Assis Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
  • Viviane Arena Figueiredo Universidade Federal Fluminense




The possibility of developing a distorted view of scientific work increases when science teaching is presented outside the social context in which it is inserted. This context encompasses the complex relationships and conflicts inherent to its development. In this work, a case study was developed through a CTS approach to the History of Science through a playful narrative present in RPG games. Using as the plot of the activity the discovery of oxygen and some of its personalities involved such as Lavoisier, Scheele and Priestley, the Pedagogy students are invited to know this story and within the RPG game, they were challenged to make decisions in these scientists' place. Based on the results of semi-structured questionnaires, it was observed that the activity promoted the interaction of participants, the creativity and a reflection on the nature of the scientific work.

