A state of the art on redox reactions in the context of chemistry teaching in Brazil
This research presents the results state of the art investigation, which analyzed research on the content of redox reactions in the context of teaching chemistry. Accordingly, the search for theses and dissertations (TDs) and articles was carried out, from 2010 to 2019, on the Capes Journal Portal and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), using the keywords: teaching of electrochemistry, teaching of redox reactions, teaching of oxidation, teaching of reduction, teaching of batteries and teaching of batteries, in the following fields: title, summary and keywords. 41 surveys were cataloged (11 articles and 30 TDs). The main teaching strategies adopted in the cataloged investigations were ICTs and experiments. The participants in these surveys were high school and undergraduate student. The conceptual difficulties were diverse, highlighting the definition of cathode and anode, oxidizing and reducing agent.