The historical approach on radioactivity in PNLD 2018 chemistry and physics textbooks


  • Karoline dos Santos Tarnowski Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina
  • Ivani Teresinha Lawal Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina



The present work refers to an analysis of historical contents related to radioactivity presented by 18 collections approved in the Brazilian National Program of Books and Didactic Material (PNLD) in 2018, 12 for Physics and 6 for Chemistry, which were available for adoption of schools in the basic education network. As an analysis instrument, a cutout of the tool proposed by Tacla et al. (2015), evaluating the historical aspects of the construction of scientific knowledge in textbook collections. As a result, it was noticed that most collections present historical questions about radioactivity in a less relevant way, generally as an introduction to the study of the subject, but without promoting discussions about the historical-scientific development in suggested activities.

