Hydrocarbon dominoes: an alternative didactic resource in organic chemistry teaching


  • Leandro Lima Morais Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Milton da Silva Santos Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Jane Maria Gonçalves Laranjeira Universidade Federal de Pernambuco




The development of didactic games as an alternative didactic resource for teaching chemistry arises in favor of the difficulties presented by students in relation to learning the contents of the discipline. In view of this scenario, a game entitled “hydrocarbon dominoes” was designed to be used in a different teaching approach. This article presents an analysis of the elaboration and application of organic dominoes whose main objective was to discuss the hydrocarbon content in a playful learning activity, aiming at improving student learning. The game was applied in public school in the city of Caruaru-PE, in a class of the 3rd grade of high school. The results obtained were very promising, showing that the use of educational games in teaching chemistry is a dynamic and effective alternative, which acts towards improvements in the teaching-learning process.

