Teaching thermochemistry through a ludic approach using the chemical autorama


  • Bianca Mendes Carletto Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Ana Nery Furlan Mendes Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo




Studies show the concern of teachers with learning chemistry, as they see it as memorization of concepts, without proper reflection on the contents. Therefore, the use of alternative methodologies such as games, makes learning simpler and more enjoyable, and it was through this method that we developed and validated the game “Chemical Autorama”, the result of an experience in the discipline of Production of Pedagogical Artifacts in Science, aiming to build an artifact as an alternative teaching resource, using low-cost materials to work on concepts and definitions about thermochemistry. The didactic game produced tries to overcome the practice of solving traditional fixation exercises, awakening the interest of students, promoting interaction in the classroom and facilitating the understanding of this content. This proposal was applied to a class of 20 students from the 2nd grade of high school located in the city of São Mateus/ES. The results show that the game increased students' interest in thermochemistry content and contributed to the improvement of the teaching-learning process, leading students to have the opportunity to better understand how chemistry can be present in their daily lives.

