Experimentation in science teaching: training trajectories that constitute the pedagogical practice


  • Anelise Grünfeld de Luca Instituto Federal Catarinense
  • José Claudio Del Pino Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul




The present work intends to present and discuss the formation trajectories of three teachers, seeking to understand how experimentation was designed along this path, bringing out the conceptions that guide the planning and execution of experiments aiming at teaching and learning. To this end, semi-structured interviews were carried out that favored experimentation in science teaching. The data collected in the interviews received qualitative treatment, through the discursive textual analysis (ATD) methodology presented by Moraes; Galiazzi. Through the analysis of the teachers' speeches, it can be seen that the conceptions of experimentation presented by them are somehow interconnected with the initial or continued formative path, considering that this fact is decisive when trying to understand the choices made by they with regard to: what, for what and how to teach the contents and the learning dynamics provided in the classroom.

