Possibilities of scientific theater in chemistry teaching: a review of national research from the last 5 years


  • Camila de Fatima Sant’Ana Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Leonardo Maciel Moreira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Scientific theater has been standing out in education as a didactic strategy that fosters the approximation of scientific concepts beyond their theories, opening up opportunities for a more humanized approach to scientific themes. This work objectived to analyze the production (national articles) of the research field of empirical studies on the form of appropriation of scientific theater in the teaching of Chemistry. Most of the articles indicated as proposals, promoting scientific dissemination, approaching and understanding the public of scientific concepts addressed in the pieces in a playful way. The construction of scripts for theatrical plays linked to the use of chemical experiments was another characteristic pointed out in common. The reduction of the shyness of the undergraduates when performing the staging was highlighted. Few focused their concerns on the contribution of the science and art interface in the formation of Chemistry teachers. Which suggests that this research is still poorly investigated and discussed.

