CREATING A REPOSITORY USING GOOGLE DRIVE: an experience report in the context of remote learning
Google Drive; Remote education; Repository.Abstract
This article aims to report an experience on the use of Google Drive in the creation of a digital repository applied to the Didactics of Sciences and Mathematics signatures, discipline of the Postgraduate in Sciences and Mathematics of the Federal Institute of Education, Science. and Technology of Ceará. For him, we have a descriptive study, developed in the semester of 2021.1, in the context of distance education. The creation of a digital repository using Google Drive turned out to be an important action, which goes against the optimization of the studies by the students of the discipline, especially when considering the context of the pandemic. We are interested in revealing that there is a lot of work to maintain the service, the publication and the management of the files. The final users, they say, the students, now have access to the interface, with organized directories and published files, having only the time to consume at any time and place, fulfilling the Internet access requirement.
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