Educational Inclusion. Educational Process. Blindness ConditiontionAbstract
The research constitutes the clipping and analysis of the educational process of a blind child, in the municipality of Ponta Porã, Mato Grosso do Sul. An exploratory bibliographic / documentary study on the milestones of Special Education in Brazil and a field research with observation protocol on the educational processes of the blind child. The inclusion of this child in a regular room and in a room with multifunctional resources was addressed, as well as their care and integration in the school space. This research sought to identify and analyze the educational processes from the inclusion of the person in a condition of blindness, as well as to verify the pedagogical actions at school, as well as the actions of the municipal public administration aimed at training professionals to work with this type of special condition. The data was collected through a protocol for observing school spaces and the following public spaces that surround the child's life: municipal library and Convention Center where studies and festivities related to commemorative dates are held, consecutively. From the data, it was inferred about the inclusion and accessibility of people in conditions of blindness in the municipality of Ponta Porã. What can be observed is that the works related to the inclusion of this public in the school are not yet able to remedy and correspond to their real needs, just as the public spaces analyzed are not structured to receive them.
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