Educação escolar indígena. Karitiana. Impactos.Abstract
This study analyzes the role of indigenous schools in the context of the social and environmental impacts caused by the construction of hydroelectric plants in the Karitiana Indigenous Land, Rondonia, Brazilian Amazon. The research focused on understanding if and how the school participated in the process of resistance and consultation, and whether it has contributed to the problems faced by these changes. It addresses the current conception of indigenous school education as differentiated, specific, intercultural and bilingual, viewing the school space as a place of critical reflection, exercise for citizenship and indigenous autonomy. The study points to the fact that, although indigenous school education was imposed as another territorial delimitator on indigenous peoples, through claims and struggles, it has become a tool to promote the political and technical empowerment of indigenous peoples. The methodological design adopted a qualitative approach to analyze a case study, included bibliographic and archive research, and also the conduction of semi-structured interviews with indigenous teachers and community members. Regarding the theoretical framework, we opted for studies addressing the theme of social-environmental impacts and indigenous education, which inform public policies and official documents. The results indicate that the Karitiana school still cannot break with the pre-established limitations of the education system and ignores latent issues in the community. The indigenous school still cannot structure itself as an institution that dialogues with the community to promote their autonomy and identity.
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