
  • Maria Rosália Nascimento da Costa Laboratório de Anatomia da Madeira, Universidade Federal do Acre, Rio Branco, Acre, Brasil
  • Moisés Silveira Lobão Laboratório de Anatomia da Madeira, Universidade Federal do Acre, Rio Branco, Acre, Brasil
  • Neila Cristina de Lima Fernandes Laboratório de Anatomia da Madeira, Universidade Federal do Acre, Rio Branco, Acre, Brasil


Freijó, Cinta dendrométrica, Anéis de crescimento


The studies of phenology and diametric growth of trees serve to understand the dormancy process of the cambium that form the annual growth rings of forest species. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine growth of the trunk and its relationship with climatic seasonality and its phenological cycles. This project aimed to verify the means of phenological observation, the radial growth of the Cordia sp. species in different climatic seasonal periods in Rio Branco - Acre, and its application in dendrochronological studies. The methodological procedures were installed dendrometers in the trees to determine the trunk increment and the different phenophases through the monthly measurements, being these results correlated with the climatic data of the Meteorological Station of Rio Branco - Acre. The results verified the influence of seasonality on trunk growth the different phenophases occurring during the year, in provence of dormancy and formation of ring annual that is related to climate change during the period of growth of the trees and in the different months of year. With this it was verified that the trees of the species of Cordia sp. can be used in the dendrochronology.


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How to Cite

Nascimento da Costa , M. R., Silveira Lobão, M., & Cristina de Lima Fernandes, N. . (2022). FENOLOGIA E CRESCIMENTO DE ÁRVORES Cordia sp. EM DIFERENTES PERÍODOS SAZONAIS E MICROAMBIENTES. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological, 9(1), 217–228. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/SAJEBTT/article/view/4474



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