Kinetic study and experimental design
Adsorption; Biochar; Spondias mombin L.; Heavy metals.Abstract
This work investigated the biosorption of Pb2+ ions in biochar obtained through controlled carbonization of the cajá (Spondias mombin) biomass after pulping. The residual concentration of Pb2+ ions was determined by complexation titrimetry. Adsorption tests were performed using 100 ml of metal ion solution under constant agitation. The effects of operational parameters were evaluated, such as adsorbent mass (0.1 to 0.5 g), pH (4.0 to 10.0) and agitation (10 to 50 rpm), through central composite planning (23 + 3 CP). The variables that affect the adsorption process are the pH and the mass of the adsorbent, reaching a maximum removal of 86.75% of metal. Pb2+ adsorption kinetics data showed good fit to the pseudo-first-order (R = 0.9773) and pseudo-second-order (R = 0.9909) models, with equilibrium quickly being reached around 5 min from the beginning of the adsorptive process.
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