Treatment of American tegumentary leishmaniosis in a referral center in Acre.
American tegumentary leishmaniosis;, epidemiology;, treatment, N-methyl-glucamineAbstract
American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis is frequently registered in the Amazon. It manifests after a phlebotomine bite and presents in cutaneous, mucous or mucocutaneous form. The first treatment option is meglumine antimoniate, despite several contraindications. The study aims to evaluate the cases of ATL treated at Fundhacre, according to their clinical-epidemiological characteristics and treatment data. It is a retrospective cohort study between Jan./2005 and Jul./2014, which points out the prevalence of the disease in the cutaneous form and single-type lesion in male, young and adult individuals living in urban areas. There is an association of the mucous/mucocutaneous form with the profession of risk and cardiotoxicity to the use of the drug. The most used treatment was antimoniate, which the prescription of medication was observed outside the standards of the Ministério da Saúde. The ATL has few therapeutic options and the most effective are considered risky, which requires total control in the treatment, which by malpractice can arise as a growing endemic disease.
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