Inga edulis Mart., planta facilitadora, cupuaçu, sistema agroflorestal, adubo verde arbóreoAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Inga edulis Mart. as a nurse plant in the development of plant seedlings of cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum (Willd. ex Spreng.) K. Schum, cultivar (BRS-Carimbó). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design with two treatments (2 cropping systems) and 12 repetitions, each plant considered a repetition. The pruning management of the inga plants, concerning the frequency and height of pruning, varied according to the time of the year and height of the cupuaçu seedlings. The height and the stem diameter of the cupuaçu seedlings were compared in a period of 2 years. The growth measures in diameter and height of cupuaçu were submitted to the test normality and the averages compared by T test at 95% confidence level, resulting in the rejection of the null hypothesis of equality of means. Therefore, it is clear that the inga (leguminous tree) successfully established facilitation interactions for cupuaçu seedlings, making the fertile soil with favorable conditions for growth. Moreover, the application of effective microorganisms most likely improved the quality of the organic matter from the pruning of inga plants.
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