an Analysis of the Écho A1 Textbook
Interculturalidade., Ensino de Língua Estrangeira., Ensino de Francês., Livro Didático.Abstract
Within the scope of the discussions on intercultural language teaching, this work aims to analyze the didactic-methodological proposal and two activities of the Écho A1 textbook, teaching French as a foreign language, with the purpose of discussing the adequacy of this material to the purposes of a intercultural language teaching. To this end, this paper presents the postulates of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and how they are aligned with the intercultural education proposal, to establish its main implications regarding the construction of textbooks. Starting from a qualitative methodology, based on the evidential paradigm, this work shows that, in alignment with the QECR's action/communicative proposal, the Écho A1 textbook brings activities that are consistent with an interculturally constructed teaching, seeking to overcome authoritarianism and literalness typical of this type of material.
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