Judicialization of Health, Right to Health, Health Economics.Abstract
The objective of the study was to describe the direct costs related to the judicialization of health in the State Department of Health in Acre. Methodology: this is a cross-sectional study. The data were collected in the Budgetary, Financial and Accounting Administration System of the State Department of Health in Acre in the period 2014 - 2018. The analyzes were performed with descriptive statistics through frequency and position measures. Results: 2,453 lawsuits were filed, 78.5% of which were held in the state capital. The majority of requests were for the supply of medicines. The total cost of the actions was R $ 7,818,125.31, with 92.48% being expenses with medicines, 5.8% for hospital procedures and 1.72% for medical supplies. hospital. Conclusion: the lawsuits have contributed to the increase in expenses with expenses not foreseen by SESACRE, affecting its planning and budgetary and financial programming, especially in pharmaceutical assistance.
Keywords: Judicialization of Health, Right to Health, Health Economics.
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