The objective of the work is to carry out an analysis of the economic aspects of cassava cultivation in different production technologies, in the municipality of Tracuateua, Pará. Comparative research is considered to be of a quantitative and qualitative type, as it seeks to check facts and analyze them, thus comparing them by means of graphs and tables, as well as assigning an interpretation to the information obtained. After applying the questionnaires, the information obtained was organized and tabulated in electronic spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel 2013 software. This process is necessary to better exemplify and interpret the results from the preparation of graphs and / or tables. It is concluded that the use of production technologies, mainly with regard to the genetic improvement of cultivars, significantly increased the economic yield of the cassava culture. The scarcity of technical assistance, with an emphasis on small farmers, promotes stagnation of knowledge of agricultural practices within the technological scope and reduces the quality of the product, which consequently loses value in the market.
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