Reading. Reader. Reading Mediator. Workshop.Abstract
The production aims to reflect on the voices regarding the importance of reading, when presenting the results of a workshop developed in the discipline of Reading and Speech of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching Humanities and Languages at the Federal University of Acre - Campus Floresta which has as participants teachers, librarians, library assistants, coordinators, undergraduate and graduate students belonging to the Teaching Networks of the Vale do Juruá Regional. It aims to provide a space for conversation about reading and its various facets, in order to exchange experiences on the act of reading in different environments, encouraging the practice of reading, the desire and the pleasure of reading, promoting dialogue on the concepts of reading , in order to suggest other strategies for training readers inside and outside the school environment. As a theoretical contribution, we turn to scholars like Barthes (1987); Foucambert (2008); Jouve (2002); Larrosa (2004), which makes it possible to focus on conceptions of reading, in addition to Foucambert (1994); Santaella (2004); Jouve (2002); Larrosa (2004), which focus on the concepts of reader and Petit (2009); Petit (2010), which focuses on work as a mediation of reading. The research assumed two investigative biases, the bibliographic perspective, which consisted of searching for a material basis of what has already been elaborated on the approach in question, basically consisting of consulting books and scientific articles. In a second dimension, we had action research, which is a type of research in which action and problem solving are associated, which in a collective and cooperative way, researchers and participants of the “Lê pra mim” Workshop.
Keywords: Reading. Reader. Reading Mediator. Workshop.
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