
  • Daniel Giordani Vasques Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul


Body, Health, Body practices, Scholar, School Physical Education, Health Promotion


This essay intended to reflect on the notions and concepts of body and health in school Physical Education. To this end, a bibliographic review on the topic was used and studies of the anthropology of the body and health were used. The concepts of health and “health promotion” remain in dispute in the field, however, studies show that social, economic, political and environmental factors determine health. The notion of integral body, full of signs, takes space; individualization and accumulation of energy expenditure deserve criticism. Finally, health care at school must resize the biological body, blame the individual and cumulative physical activities. Through the vision of a full body and public health promotion policies through body practices, one can think about a broader, more egalitarian and conscious school health.

Author Biography

Daniel Giordani Vasques, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

PhD in Human Movement Sciences (UFRGS), Graduated and Master in Physical Education (UFSC). Professor at the Department of Expression and Movement at the College of Application at UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Giordani Vasques, D. (2021). HEALTH, BODY AND BODY PRACTICES: A CRITIQUE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PROMOTION AT SCHOOL. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological, 8(2), 882–888. Retrieved from



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