Cultural Project. Black Identity. Law 10.639 / 2003. School space.Abstract
This article seeks to analyze the project “Minha Identidade na Diversidade” (My Identity in Diversity) of the Goiás Municipal School located in the District of Coração, municipality of Macapá, state of Amapá. Specifically, the article aims to investigate whether, with the realization of this project, there is in fact in the school space the valorization of history, culture and black identity in the community of Distrito de Coração; verify what students know about the project's theme, as well as, observe if the project is bringing return and / or significance in the appreciation and acceptance of students' black identity. This is a qualitative research, which had as collaborators: a class from the 5th year of elementary school and another from the 3rd stage of Youth and Adult Education (EJA), project coordinators, school manager, two teachers from the respective classes and some residents of the local community. Document analysis, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection instruments. As a result, it was found that there is a lack of knowledge on the part of several students about the project, and also about the local culture. In addition, it was found that several students do not recognize themselves as black and / or protagonists of their own history.
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