Endophytic fungi constitute an important part of the unexplored fungal diversity, and are considered an important source of secondary metabolites, which represent an important genetic source for biotechnology. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the diversity of endophytic fungi isolated from the Uncaria tomentosa plant. Samples of leaf and stem of the species U. tomentosa were collected at EMBRAPA-AC, identified in PZUFAC, and later the samples went through the processes of disinfection, isolation, purification, macro and micromorphological identification. The data were subjected to analysis of the diversity index, richness, species equity, relative frequency and absolute frequency. 28 U. tomentosa endophytic fungi were isolated and classified into 15 morphospecies, with 18 (64.2%) isolated from the leaf sample and 10 (35.7%) from the stem, and the diversity analysis was greater for the stem. Ten fungal genera were identified, most frequently of the genera Guignardia (32.1%), Nigrospora (7.1%) and Penicillium sp. 1 (7.1%).
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