curricular internship, technical skills, soft skills, internship and employability office.Abstract
Can a traineeship in an internship and employability office provide more enriching opportunities for entering active life? Our goal with this article is to provide an overview of the opportunities a traineeship (inside an internship and employability office working with active job search) offers. This case study has a quantitative nature. To obtain data we built an original questionnaire, applied online to all trainees of the ISCAP's Internship and Employability Office (IEO) since its creation. This research allowed to infer, trusting in the given answers, that these internships have helped to enhance the development of skills related to the programs area, as it would happen in any other entity, but also to go further in the development and using of communication and inter-relational skills. This internship in IEO was a moment to gather important tools to facilitate the trainees’ integration into the labour market in a more accurate way.
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