
  • Bruna da Costa Viana Universidade Federal do Acre


The food industry has been making versatile, easy-to-open, consumable products that are synonymous with food safety and pleasant taste, such as lyophilisates. Freeze drying was evaluated as a means of preserving chicken breast meat. Fresh and lyophilized chicken breasts stored after 3 and 6 months were analyzed: total and thermotolerant coliforms, pH, water activity (aw), amino acid and fatty acid profile. The result of the analysis of total and thermotolerant coliforms was negative for 100% of the samples. In the pH values, only the "vacuum" had an increase in relation to the in natura. The highest aw values ​​were in “refrigerated” and “vacuum” in the 3rd and 6th months under all storage conditions. The concentration of the essential and nonessential amino acids was higher in the vacuum. Fatty acids from the vacuum sample at the 6th month presented higher values. Raw freeze-dried chicken can be potentially safe from a health standpoint, with high nutritional value, no additives added and long shelf life at room temperature when vacuum packed.

Author Biography

Bruna da Costa Viana, Universidade Federal do Acre

Possui graduação em Nutrição pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (2011). Mestrado em Ciência, Inovação e Tecnologia para Amazônia pela UFAC (2016). Doutoranda pelo programa de Pós-Graduação em Sanidade e Produção Animal Sustentável na Amazônia Ocidental. Professora em regime de dedicação exclusiva da Universidade Federal do Acre lotada no Centro de Ciências da Saúde e Desporto.


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How to Cite

Viana, B. da C. (2020). QUALIDADE BROMATOLÓGICA E MICROBIOLÓGICA DA CARNE DE PEITO DE FRANGO LIOFILIZADO EM DIFERENTES AMBIENTES DE ARMAZENAMENTO. South American Journal of Basic Education, Technical and Technological, 7(1), 558–569. Retrieved from https://periodicos.ufac.br/index.php/SAJEBTT/article/view/3202



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